Saturday, September 22, 2012

It's a.....

Well, I thought I was recording the big event. But when I went to push the button to stop recording I realized that I had not been recording.  So I will tell about it instead.

We had as many family as could make it along with a few friends that helped with the kids while we were at the sono.  I had everyone stand on one side if they thought the baby was a boy and the other side if they thought the baby was a girl.  Almost everyone was on the boy side.  So I asked Luke and Addy what color they thought the balloons were going to be.  Luke said he thought they were going to be pink. But he wanted them to be blue.  Addy said she thought they were going to be blue, but she wanted them to be pink.  Then she said it would be okay if they really were blue.  So I told them the open it up and they eagerly ripped it open.  Luke saw the pink balloons and excitedly said, "They're PINK!"  The kids were excited to play with the pink balloons until they all popped. 

My mom was thinking ahead and had a gift for the baby with a little pink outfit in it.  She had a blue one ready too, but I guess she'll have to take it back. 

At bedtime I was talking to the kids about getting another baby sister.  Luke started to cry a little and said, "Can I still take a bath with the baby? Now I won't have anyone to take a bath with."  I'm not sure why he was concerned about this because he takes baths with Brooke all the time. Then Addy said, "I'm glad it's a girl, but I kind of wanted a boy so we could play castle.  Now Brooke doesn't have a prince."  I am sure Luke will figure out that taking a bath by himself isn't such a bad thing, and Addy will find a way to play castle. 

I am just glad that I have a heavenly Father who knows exactly what child to give our family.  This little girl is a good and perfect gift from Him.  At first it was a little tough for me to let the thought of not having a brother for Luke sink in.  It's kind of like an end to the dream you've had since you were a kid.  God lets us choose so many things in life but He doesn't let us choose the gender of our children. I am glad that is something He won't let us mess up. 

It will be fun to see how our family adjusts to this new little girl when she arrives.  Scott and I are excited for all the joy and laughter that we have found comes with little girls. I know she will have two little mamas who are ready to be at her beck and call and a big brother who adores her. 

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