Saturday, September 22, 2012

Before Thoughts about Baby #4

It’s about time to reveal the gender of baby number 4!  I had a fun time yesterday finding out on my birthday.  We had the sonogram tech print off a picture showing if the baby is a girl or boy and put it in an envelope.  Then we walked to a park and sat under a tree and talked about what things would be like if the baby is a girl and what things would be like if the baby is a boy.  We are so glad that God knows what is best and He will give us exactly what we need. 

It was fun to think about both ways.  I thought I probably wanted a boy and Scott did too.  Only because we have 2 girls and 1 boy.  Before we even got married we talked about wanting our kids to all have a brother and a sister. And I just have a feeling it is a boy.  But when I laid down on the bed and saw the little fingers and toes and heart beating on the screen it didn’t really matter anymore because I wanted THAT baby, no matter what it was. 
Then I look at my two precious girls and I think, "How could I be disappointed with another one of them?"  When I look at my little guy I think, "It would be really neat for him to have a buddy like him."  I don't wish my girls were boys and I don't wish my boy was a girl, they are so perfect.  This next baby will fit in so well, and I won't wish it is anything different.  Even if the baby isn't healthy or has some physical defect, it is the perfect baby for us and there is no way we could not love it just as much as the other kids. 

Another thing we have talked about briefly is adopting.  A while back we thought that maybe we would adopt someday, and whatever this baby is then we would adopt the opposite.  I don’t know if we will actually do that, but God has put a burden on my heart to adopt.  Scott is starting to think more that way now, but he always wanted to wait and talk about it when it was closer.  If we adopts we don’t want a bigger age gap than there is with the other kids, so it’s getting closer.  It seems like it is such a hard process though. ..

I have asked the kids several times if they would like a baby brother or a baby sister.  Luke thought he wanted a brother for a while, but recently he is saying sister.  He says that he thinks the balloons in the box will be pink and he is okay with that.  Addy has been saying she wants another sister, but all of a sudden she is saying that she thinks the balloons will be blue and she is happy with that.  So it is good to know that nobody will be disappointed.  We all know that God decided to give us a boy or a girl, and He knows what is best for our family. 

In a few hours the kids will open up a big box and will find out if they are getting a brother or a sister.  I can’t wait to see their reaction.  Scott and I are so happy for the blessing of our 4th child and excited to let everyone know.

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