I enjoy my kiddos so much. It is so fun to watch them play and listen to them talk. There are also times that are hard and I wonder, "Why am I having more kids? I can hardly handle the ones I have!" But then my almost 2 year old comes up to me out of the blue and says, "I wuv you mommy." And the 4 year old hears it, so he has to come say, "Momma, I love you, can I show you I love you? And he covers me with kisses." Then my 6 year old comes into the kitchen and says, "Mommy, you don't need to to all the work, let me wash the dishes." And another night when I am washing the dishes she says, "Mama, I just want to sit on the couch and talk with you about something."
It's all those little things that happen during the day that are so precious. The things you can't plan or make happen by yourself. But not only are they sweet and cuddly, they are SO FUNNY!
Brooke is not much of a baby anymore, but she has figure out that if she wants to try to get out of something, she will say, "I'm only a baby." So Luke was wanting her to help him do something, I can't remember what it was, maybe pick up some toys, and she said, "But I only a baby!" It is amazing how her little brain works. She has learned when to use the words his, her, theirs, etc. so naturally when something is hers, it is "mines". If Luke has one of her toys, "Lukey, it's mines!"
Addy has been into writing books lately. She sounds out words and spells them the way she thinks they sound. It is so fun to read what she comes up with. Her books don't really tell a story, but are whatever she is thinking about or doing at the moment. One page is a verse she copied from the bible. The random verse she chose was, "It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper..." and then she ran out of room.
And then there is Luke. He is always making little inventions. He likes to invent things in the bathroom with soap, toilet paper and water. Well, he used to. He is always building something. He loves blocks, boxes, blankets and laundry baskets. Some of the best building material! He is such a happy little guy, always getting excited for whatever we are doing next. The other day the UPS truck stopped at our house. Luke sees it and starts yelling, "A package! Yea! A package! We got a package!" Then as the man runs back to the truck he opens the door and yells, "Thank you!!!" He was disappointed to find that the package was only daddy's insulin.
But our highlight of the day is when Daddy comes home. We are all so glad to see him. Addy and Luke always hide and jump out and try to scare him. Brooke runs around yelling, "Daddys home, Daddys home!" She's always right there ready to hug and kiss him. The kids then start telling him all their stories and adventures throughout the day at the same time.
I love being a mom more and more all the time. It's fun, it's hard, and there is nothing I would rather do. There is real joy in knowing that you are doing what God desires. I am so blessed to be able to pour into the lives of 3 (almost 4) of of my favorite people.
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