Thursday, January 17, 2013

Baby Update

I wanted to post a picture, but for some reason blogger hasn't been letting me post pictures recently.  So here's the update on baby Marshall.

Yesterday was the last sonogram.  We learned that the cysts have not changed.  It isn't bad news because they haven't gotten bigger.  The Dr. said that they will not cause her any problems and she will have a normal delivery.  Her head is down and in a few weeks she will be ready to go!  He suggested the best thing for her is a calm, peaceful, quiet birth, and said the birth center would be a great place to be born!  He looked all her organs over very well and said that he doesn't forsee any complications, but if there are any it will not be due to the cysts.  All her other organs look great and are functioning great.  I could see her doing some practice breathing.  She was inhaling the amniotic fluid and her chest was going up and down just like she was breathing. 

The one thing the doctor did notice was that she is a little small.  She weighs a little over 5 pounds   now. In past sonograms she has been right in the middle of the graphs, but now she is on the lower end.  We're not too concerned, because all my babies have been on the lower end.  I wasn't even on the charts when I was a baby.  But he wants me to try to get more rest than I am getting and just take it easy more since she is not gaining as well.  He told me to let the dust bunnies collect and let someone else do my chores.  I have been going at it really hard lately trying to get things ready, and I do have a 6, 4, and almost 2 year old.  But I know I can cut back a little.  More training time for the kids on picking up and cleaning!

I  have not been sleeping very well at night already, and my iron is a little low, so that also contributes to the baby's rate of gain. I don't know why your body thinks you need to practice getting up at night.  It knows how to do everything else well when you have a baby, but I don't understand why my body thinks I need to wake up so much, when really I need to sleep more!  Oh well, 4 more weeks until I'm waking up for a good reason.  Could be less, I've never made it to my due date!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update, good to know baby continues to be well! I'm excited for you guys, and please do get more rest. There will be plenty of time to be very busy once baby arrives as you already well know. I don't know how much ultrasound technology has changed in the last 6 years but even when Ems was born they could not predict the weight well from a sonogram, not that it matters. :)
