Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Operation Christmas Child and turkeys!

If you are wondering what Operation Christmas Child and turkeys have in common, probably nothing.  Except that's what we've been doing lately. 
 If you remember last year, Luke was NOT happy about filling a shoebox for OCC.  He wanted all the stuff for himself.  He picked everything out and thought he was going to get to keep it.  It was a little better this year.  He still struggled.  Since he knew he wasn't going to get to keep anything, he didn't even want to pick anything out. 
 I did manage to get Luke to fill his box and smile.  Hopefully he will learn to give with a cheerful attitude someday! Addy loves filling boxes for OCC.  She had a hard time deciding what to get.  Not everything she wanted to put in there would fit! 
 We also have been making handprint turkeys.  I suggested it and they both got right to work.  They traced their own hand themselves.  The only thing Addy needed help with was how to spell Thanksgiving.
Luke came up with his own way of making handprint turkeys.  He used both hands!  I thought that was really clever.  I was impressed that he could trace around both hands.  This is by far the best picture he has made.  He even did a great job writing his name.  Good job Lukey!

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