Friday, November 23, 2012

Baby Update!!

We had another sonogram to check on the cysts on baby's lungs.  They are still there, but they are getting much better!  The dr. was very encouraged and said they are smaller and less dense.  They are doing just what they need to do - going away!!! I don't have to go back for another sono for 8 weeks, and that will be just 1 month from the due date.  Dr. also told us that even if the cysts aren't completely gone by the time she is born we will probably just keep watching them until they go away.  It is unlikely that surgery will be needed!  He was very glad to give us the good news!  And he also gave me the okay to deliver her at the Birth and Women's Center because nothing can be done until she is a few weeks old anyway. 
We are SO thankful for the great news!  We are also really impressed by the machine that lets us look into the womb to see what's going on in there.  It has really been neat to see her in 3d.  We didn't get to do that with the other kids.  When we looked at her face this time we saw her hands up by her head, and then she put her thumb in her mouth and started sucking her thumb!  It was incredible!


  1. Praise the Lord! One more thing to be thankful for on Thanksgiving! I love reading these quotes from the kids. so cute!

  2. Praise the Lord that the cysts are getting smaller! I will continue to pray for her!!!!
