Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A very special phone call and an update on the lamp.

Addison woke up from her nap today in a very sad mood.  I asked her why she was so sad but she wouldn't tell me.  Finally she said, "I just miss Emery" and she started to cry. Scott said, "We can give her a call after dinner."  She liked that idea so she dried her tears and kept reminding us to give Emery a call.  They had a very cute conversation. They talked about the weather, their school work, summer plans to maybe get together, seeing each other on the family blogs and skype.  Addy didn't know what skype was, so when Emery suggested it Addy said, "Oh, maybe we could do that when we come visit you!"  Ha!
When Addy got of the phone with Emery she was very happy.  She hopped up to bed and was in a very snuggly and cuddly mood.  She kept hugging and kissing me and saying, "I love you mommy."  Although Addy misses her dear friend, she has not forgotten her, and thinks about her every day.

The Lamp! It's fixed! How did we do it? We took it back to Walmart and got a replacement. After trying to take it apart and fix it with no succes, we decided to call the store and tell them what happened. It's got a 90 day warranty that we didn't even think about, so we just took it back and got another one! Woo hoo! Now we will be careful not to let stuffed animals get stuck (and melted) on top of it!

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