Yesterday was a crazy day. I found myself saying, "Oh no!" what seemed like many times. Isn't it amazing how God changes the "Oh no!" moments into, "Oh, I see now" moments?
The day started off great. It was beautiful outside, we got our homeschooling done, but Scott was sick. "Oh no!" So we packed up a lunch and spent a few hours at the park and enjoyed the beautiful day. While we were eating lunch, I got a call from Scott's dad. He had some bad news. Grandma Patty's cancer has spread to her liver and lungs. "Oh No!" I told the kids and we stopped and prayed for her immediately. We know that she serves an awesome God that can heal her and help her through the difficult days ahead. Grandma Patty has a strong faith and we are so thankful for that. She has already been such an example to us and to all those who know her of what it means to trust in the Lord. I guess He's not done using her to show us how to trust Him through hard times.
The truck was in the shop yesterday. We dropped it off for a regular oil change and Scott had a few other things he wanted checked out. We found out that something major was wrong and it wouldn't be finished in time for Scott to take it to his class in Manhattan. "Oh no!" It was also a very expensive thing to fix. "Oh no!" But thank the Lord we had money to pay for the whole repair and it was more of an inconvenience and not a big emergency. And our mechanic, Meenen Transmission, is awesome and they brought the truck to our house when it was finished. Scott took the van to Manhattan and the kids were so excited to get to take the truck to AWANA...or so we thought.
We were getting all packed up for AWANA, running a little behind as is the norm, and I forgot that since they dropped off the truck the keys were in the house. So I ran back in to get the keys, but the door from the garage that goes into the house would not open. The little thing you turn on the doorknob to lock the door got turned and when the door shut it locked. This has happened before, but I usually have my car keys that has a house key with it. I was going to get the car keys, so I did not have a house key, so I was locked out. All the other doors were locked. We usually have a key hidden in case we get locked out, but I searched all over and couldn't find it. I couldn't go anywhere, I was supposed to teach the Cubbies in 30 minutes, and I started to PANIC! "Oh no!" I tried to break into my house with a credit card but it didn't work. I guess I'm not a very good criminal. At least I had my three precious babies safely buckled in with me, they were not in the house. Althought it would have been nice if Addy or Luke would have been locked in because they could have just unlocked the door! But anyway, I did have my phone so I called Shanelle, our Cubbies director, to let her know what was going on. But...
No answer. "Oh no!" Who else could I call. I went through my phone and started calling anyone in my phone that would be at church. Trisha Ott was the first name I saw after Shanelle. I called her but she couldn't understand what I was saying because I was breaking up. "Oh no!" Then I saw that Shanelle was calling me back! She came and picked us up and we made it to AWANA with a few minutes to spare before I started leading the songs and teaching the lesson. THANK YOU LORD!! I didn't have time to get the flannels so I had the kids act out the story and I think they had a good time doing that.
On our way to the church Shanelle was telling me that her phone had been on silent. She wouldn't have checked it except the batteries in the clock in the room had died and since the time was wrong she had to look on her phone to see what time it was. That's when she noticed the missed call from me and said, "Oh no!" something's wrong! But God knows what He is doing, He even works out the crazy details of our failed plans.
Later that night Scott was telling me about his class. Then he told me that he got pulled over on the way to Manhattan! "Oh no!" He said it was kinda neat how he could tie that incident in with their talk in class. He didn't get a ticket, just a warning. "whew" Thank the Lord for slowing him down! For some reason he thought he needed to go a little faster because he didn't know if he was going to make it on time. God thought he needed to s.l.o.w.d.o.w.n. I thought it was strange because he really doesn't speed. At least not when I am riding with him. I think he goes too slow sometimes and I want to remind him of the speed limit!
When I looked back at all our "oh nos!" of the day, all I could think about was how God worked everything out. We were so much more dependent on Him today and saw His hand in everything. Several times I had to pause and say, "Ok God, what are you doing in this?" I am so glad He made me pause to pray and think on His goodness, His mercy, His grace. I still don't understand completely the Grandma Patty "Oh no", but I know that nothing happens that is out of His sovereign plan.
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