Thursday, August 8, 2013

Cool July days

We've been getting a lot of rain lately. Praise the Lord!  We are no longer in a drought!  In fact, we are on the bring of flooding.  Every night we get a storm.  Sometime we get an afternoon storm too.  Notice how green the grass is in the background of these pictures.
 On Sunday I stayed home from church with Luke.  He was sick in the middle of the night.  He spent most of the morning digging in the wet sandbox.  When the others came home from church we noticed mushrooms that has sprung up in the yard all of a sudden. 
 I couldn't decide which picture I liked best so I put them both in.  Brooke's smile is so cute in the first picture, but there's such a handsome guy in the back of this picture.
 One day when we were outside Luke came up with an invention that allowed him to ride his too small tricycle.  Just like his great grandpa Bill!
 Luke is enjoying playing in a sandbox full of water.  He had been observing an earthworm.  It was a lot longer and skinnier than the ones we usually see.  And it was also more pink.  Maybe we'll figure out why someday.  He called it the "little red snake."
The kids were all pretending like they were babies.  I guess the stairs are the pretend cribs.  They have so much fun together.  

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