They can memorize the verse, but applying it is the hard part. We'll be working on the application of these verses... And we get MANY chances throughtout the day.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Saturday, August 24, 2013
"Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come." Romans 5:14
This was part of our family devotions the other recently. We were talking about how Christ was related to Adam. I was trying to get across that Adam was the first man and brought sin into the world, but Christ was like a the second "Adam" that brought salvation from sin. I didn't think they were getting it and Luke patiently had his hand raised. I said, "Who was the second 'Adam' Luke?" He said, "How can Jesus be the second Adam if he created the first Adam? Wasn't He always around, and didn't he make the first man?"
I felt very proud of his theology.
This was part of our family devotions the other recently. We were talking about how Christ was related to Adam. I was trying to get across that Adam was the first man and brought sin into the world, but Christ was like a the second "Adam" that brought salvation from sin. I didn't think they were getting it and Luke patiently had his hand raised. I said, "Who was the second 'Adam' Luke?" He said, "How can Jesus be the second Adam if he created the first Adam? Wasn't He always around, and didn't he make the first man?"
I felt very proud of his theology.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Weekend fun!
I had the chance to go with a group of women from my church this weekend to a conference in Hutchinson. It was fun to ride down with the group and get to know some of my sisters better. The day started out kind of crazy. I got everything laid out and ready the night before since we were leaving the church at 6 a.m. I set the alarm on my phone, checked it twice after I thought I had it set, and since I had never used my phone alarm before I had Scott double check it too. It literally said on the screen that the alarm was set to go off in 6 hours and 40 some minutes. Scott even checked the volume and made sure it wasn't on silent. I woke up several times in the night and looked at the clock to make sure I didn't oversleep. Then At 5:50 a.m. Scott woke up and said, "What time were you wanting to wake up?" I panicked a little because I still had to feed Chloe and I knew I could not make it in time.
But the ladies were so kind and waited. We never figured out why the alarm didn't go off, and we really did try to find the error. Scott said that a couple times his alarm didn't go off when he set it. So... don't trust a phone alarm. The rest of the day went very smoothly. Praise God!
JJ Heller led the music and also did a little concert. I also got to meet her. She has no idea who I am, but it was fun to have the chance to say, "hi" and tell her I enjoy her music. It was neat to hear the story behind the songs she has written. She has 2 kids about the same age as my Luke and Brooke, and writes some songs about them. Here's a couple I relate to:
While I was gone the kids were having a blast. I left Scott with a potty training 2 year old and a teething 6 month old who had never had a bottle. I wasn't worried at all! They've got a great dad! I knew they would have a great day together.
Brooke got in some gymnastics practice. Doesn't she just have a killer smile? I think I could sit and watch her smile all day.
More gymnastics.
The story behind this is Scott was outside with the kids and he wondered what happened to Brooke. She had crawled up into the stroller and fell asleep. When you play hard with daddy you suddenly drop.
Then a little while later Addy dropped too...
Chloe took the bottle fine. She played and slept well. She has been such an easy baby so far.
Chloe took the bottle fine. She played and slept well. She has been such an easy baby so far.
I think it was a successful day!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Baby Raegan is here!
We made a trip to Kansas City to see our first little niece. She is ADORABLE! She is a big little newborn, coming into the world at 8 pounds 14 ounces and 20.5 inches long. She has a TON of jet black hair, chubby cheeks and thighs and huge hands. I think her hands are already as big as Chloe's. They will be good little playmates and friends. Amy and Ryan did a great job and seem to be adjusting well to parenthood. We are so excited to have another "little" in the family.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Brooke's baby
It's so cute to watch her play, but once she knows mama is watching it's all over...
Not sure who did her hair :)
Not sure who did her hair :)
Addy's new look
Addy lost a top tooth! She now talks with a lisp. It's so cute. She is reading a lot now, and it's fun to listen to her. The other top tooth is wiggly. That will be a BIG gap in her mouth if it comes out soon.
Cool July days
We've been getting a lot of rain lately. Praise the Lord! We are no longer in a drought! In fact, we are on the bring of flooding. Every night we get a storm. Sometime we get an afternoon storm too. Notice how green the grass is in the background of these pictures.
On Sunday I stayed home from church with Luke. He was sick in the middle of the night. He spent most of the morning digging in the wet sandbox. When the others came home from church we noticed mushrooms that has sprung up in the yard all of a sudden.
I couldn't decide which picture I liked best so I put them both in. Brooke's smile is so cute in the first picture, but there's such a handsome guy in the back of this picture.
One day when we were outside Luke came up with an invention that allowed him to ride his too small tricycle. Just like his great grandpa Bill!
Luke is enjoying playing in a sandbox full of water. He had been observing an earthworm. It was a lot longer and skinnier than the ones we usually see. And it was also more pink. Maybe we'll figure out why someday. He called it the "little red snake."
The kids were all pretending like they were babies. I guess the stairs are the pretend cribs. They have so much fun together.
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