Sunday, December 16, 2012


One thing that I enjoyed about being pregnant with the other kids was when they had hiccups.  It may sound weird, but there was something really neat about feeling the constant and predictable thump in my belly as they would hiccup.  I hadn't felt this baby have hiccups yet.  I wondered if it had anything to do with the cysts on her lungs.  But I finally felt them the other day!  Yay!  She is a very active little baby and it is fun to let the big kids feel her kicking.  Brooke loves to give her kisses. She knows there's a baby in there! 
I have been feeling pretty well during the beginning of the 3rd trimester.  Starting to get tired a lot, but my iron is a little low, so I am working on getting it built back up.  I'm still pretty comfortable, althought somtimes she gets her feet in my ribs and it kind of hurts! 
The rest of the family does fun stuff like ride on Daddy's back while I sit and watch them. 
These three are quite the group.  It's so fun to be their mom!

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