Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Big Weekend.

We have been having a fun time this summer doing many different things. 

 One day my grandma stopped by. Addy and Luke are always up for a book, and I think grandma is always up for reading one.

 Then we went to visit Papa Larry and Grandma Patty. Luke couldn't wait to get on the Prowler and had a great time driving it. Addy was a little hesitant at first, but eventually she hopped right on. Brooke wouldn't get on at all.
 Here's the pretty little baby.  She is growing up into a little girl so fast!
 She found a tricycle.  She could almost pedal!
 The kids always have a good time with Ike.
 It was a fun time. Probably the best part was when Patty told us about all the work God has been doing in her body to heal her.  She has been taking tons of treatments for cancer.  She showed us a picture of the scans when the cancer was all through her bones.  She said that most doctors would have told her there was nothing they could do and sent her home. She told us how this doctor didn't know how to treat her so he went to the Holy Spirit.  I know that many many people have been praying for her, and God answered our prayers the way we wanted.  She showed me the latest picture of the scans and the cancer is gone.  It was so neat to hear how she gives the glory to God for this healing.  He has definitely used this hard time for good.  What a testimony Patty has and is sharing.  Praise God!
 On our way home we stopped in Fredonia to see Scott's grandparents.  They just celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary!  They are always so glad to see us and we always have a great visit.
 Back home the Lyon County Fair was going on.  We got back just in time for the kid's tractor pull.  Luke couldn't wait to get on that tractor.  The only problem was the ride was too short.  He didn't want to get off.  He did a good job.  Since he got a full pull the first time he got to ride again.  He didn't win so we don't have to go to the State Fair.  Yes!!  Oh, I mean darn.
 Addy took her turn on the tractor too.  She pulled it a lot further than I thought she would. She had to pull quite a bit of weight and all the other kids seemed so much bigger than her.  I guess she has some pretty strong legs from riding her too small bike!  Both kids got a certificate for a free Braums ice cream cone, so they were very pleased.
 Next we went to see the animals.  Brooke took a liking to Natasha's heifer. 
 Luke liked the goats.  Natasha took some goats to the fair this year and Luke had a fun time leading them around the yard at Grandma Sharon's.
 But Luke's favorite thing was the chicken.  He even found a boy that had time to answer all his questions. Addy was busy looking at all the bunnies. 
On a side note, my mom entered the flower girl dress she made for Addy for Rachelle's wedding.  It had a couple holes and was a little dirty due to Addy rolling down a hill and playing outside after the wedding. But mom fixed it up and cleaned it and it won the Sweepstakes!!  Great job mom!

And to round things out we've been watching the Olympics.  Go USA!

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