Sunday, April 29, 2012

The last few days

Brooke was being cute at dinner the other night.  She knows several signs now and it is so fun to be able to communicate with her. 
 Addison had a birthday on the 19th.  We got her a new backpack.  She was thrilled. Now she doesn't have to put her school work in a Wal Mart sack when we go to bible study.
 We were going to take her to a restaurant to eat, but she decided she wanted to stay home!  Her reason was because she wanted steak and "They don't make it as good at restaurants as you do at home."  Awww, she's so sweet.  So I made her favorite.  Steak wrapped in bacon, corn, sweet potato chips, cinnamon swirl bread, and I threw in a salad for Scott. 
 The next day we had Amberly and her family over for dinner. This day was Scott's birthday too.  The kids all got a big piece of cake.  It was a pretty special treat. 
 Addy and Luke have been playing soccer.  They are the orange team.  Addison LOVES soccer.  She likes it more each time she plays, and she's getting pretty good.  Luke wanted to play until we went to the first practice.  He usually just stands out there with his hands behind his back and occasionally he will run after the ball.  The last game we played he actually kicked the ball 3 times!  He is getting better, but he is one of the youngest so he's also the slowest.  At least it's good exercise!
They have a good coach.  She is very patient and has fun with them.  We recorded a little of the first game, but when we went to watch it on our computer the computer crashed.  When we got everything restored I went to watch the video again and I thought it crashed again. So I'm done with that video.  

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