I signed Addison and Luke up to play soccer this spring. This is the first time for them to do any sort of organized sport. I think it will be hilarious. They get to play on the same team, so that will be nice. When I asked Luke if he wanted to play he screamed, "YYEEEAAAHHH!!" But when I asked Addison if she wanted to play she said, "Sure, but wait, will I have to miss bible study?" I said, "no". She said, "What about church?" "Nope." What about AWANA or birthday parties?" "No Addy, soccer is on Saturday morning so you won't miss any of that." Then she said, "Ok, yeah I want to play."
Then today I was getting ready to go to bible study and she was telling me about how Julia is going to lead a bible study. Addy had the chance to stay home with Scott since he is on Spring Break, but she did not want to miss bible study! I hear that they are going to study Titus! Julia is only 9 or 10 I think, but if there's any girl that can lead a bible study it would be her. Julia's mom is leading the moms through a bible study on Hebrews that she wrote, so I guess it's natural that Julia would want to lead a bible study. I think it's so neat that these little girls want to study the bible together while their moms study it together.
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