Today is our 8th wedding anniversary. A lot has happened in those 8 years. We have a 5 year old, 3 year old and 10 month old. Sometimes I just look at my kids and think, "How did we get to this point already?" They are really making me grow up. I see how they grow so fast, but I think that I should stay the same.
When this picture was taken I was still running track at Pittsburg State University. I had just finished my last cross country season. Scott was working at a special needs kindergarten for about $7 an hour and that's what we were living on. We had no health insurance so we paid for his insulin out of pocket. We used Walmart gift cards that we received as gifts from our wedding to buy food since most of his paycheck had to go to insulin, rent, and bills. Those gift cards lasted 6 months! Just enough to get us by until I graduated and we could move to Topeka where Scott got his first high school teaching job at Shawnee Heights. God blessed us SOOO much during that time. We moved to Topeka and had a place to live all lined out, but the day we were going to move in we got a call saying we couldn't live there because we didn't make enough money to pay the rent. It was a low income apartment so we were really surprise we were turned down, especially after we had signed a contract. We told them that Scott would be starting a job in August and would be making more money and assured them we could pay the rent. A few minutes later we got another call from them and they said we couldn't live there because with Scott's new job we would be making too much money to live in the low income apartments. So now we needed to find a place to live, we had our stuff in a Uhaul, and my parents were on their way to Topeka with a suburban full of stuff. My aunt that lives in Topeka found out about our ordeal and offered us to stay with them until we could find a place. We gladly accepted and moved in to their basement. They ended up being out of town a lot and told us to stay as long as we wanted. We tried to buy a house, but that fell through. It took us a lot longer to find a place than we thought. I think we ended up staying there about 10 months before we found a little 1 bedroom 800 sq. ft. apartment. It was a perfect place for us. We lived in the little apartment until Addy was born in 2006. Actually, we bought a house and moved in 2 days before Addy was born, so technically Addy was born in the new house. It is so neat to look back and see how God worked everything out. Those were some fun times learning to depend on God first and then each other. I think back on those days with a smile.
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