Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Strong Will or Weak Will?

I follow a yahoo group for moms (and dads) of preschool kids that are homeschooling using the Charlotte Mason approach.  One of the moms wrote this in:
A child who truly has a strong will, can will himself to behave well.

A willful child, the sort of child we mistakenly call "strong willed" is actually at the mercy of his own whims and emotions. He is weak willed, because he cannot control his behavior. He wants what he wants now and he can no more will himself to be patient and wait than he can give himself the moon, because a willful child has no power of will.

Our job is to help the willful child see that he is letting his emotions and desires, his will, control him, and that his job is to take mastery of his own emotions and behavior. We are to help him strengthen his will so that he can develop the strength of will to control himself. 

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