Thursday, September 4, 2014

Getting Back To Normal

We are unpacked, settled in, school has started, and I have a new arsenal of recipes and know how to feed my family again!  That means we are back on somewhat of a routine, and IT FEELS GREAT!  Here's what we've been up to lately. 

My mom called the other day and said mama cat was getting ready to have kittens.  So we went over and waited and waited.  Then finally, there was a kitten!  She must not have wanted us to watch her because every time we left and came back there was another kitten.  6 in all! 2 calico, 2 black, 2 yellow.  They all have names, but I am not sure what they are. The kids can tell them all apart just fine. 

Rachelle's new puppy is at Grandma Sharon's house now too.  Luke was bored waiting for a cat to have kittens, so he went and played with the puppy.  He can't get enough of that furry little fellow.  They are good buds. 

Chloe has been making a stick horse out of a bat lately.  She walks around the house with it between her legs and has great fun! 

Brooke is the kitty girl.  She loves when they crawl all over her and "tickle" her.  

It's Pagoo!!!  
After a big rain the kids found a crawdad by the pond.  It was very cool because we are reading a book right now called "Pagoo"  and it is about the life cycle of a hermit crab.  This crawdad is a lot like the pictures of Pagoo in our book, so we compared them.  The crawdad had a bunch of little babies on her underside too, which is the stage of life Pagoo is in our book right now.  

Chloe loves the kitties too.  This cat is afraid of the other kids, but she likes Chloe.  Chloe has this great ability to squat, as shown in this picture. 

We were pleasantly surprised to find an awesome apple tree on the other side of the pond!  We were told it was a red delicious, but now that the apples are almost ready we see that it is definitely not!  I think they are gala!  WOO HOOO!  We love gala!  

Ooh Ooh I see a red one! 
They got to throw the rotten ones in the pond.  That was GREAT fun!

I figured out the way Luke learns.  It takes me a little more time. But we both have so much fun.  Here he is "making 10" with numbers and yarn.  

If he gets to make a snake with all the words he knows, he does SO much better learning words!  He even gets to use tape, which is so cool in his world.  He taped the word snake above his bed so he can teach his "kids"  (stuffed teddy bears) how to read.  He is going to do a reading lesson with them every night before he goes to bed.  

And if we learn words by playing games, his competitiveness tricks him into learning.  We were playing bingo and he wanted to do 4 cards so he could get more bingos.  It takes A LOT of repitition for him to learn a word, so the more he sees it the better!  Tomorrow we are going to go on a scavenger hunt and see how many of the words he knows he can find around the house.