Monday, May 21, 2012


 We decided to take down the sitting area in the middle of the yard.  The plan is to plant some grass and build a bigger deck off the back door.  So Scott started taking the sitting area apart.  He got an idea to build a little treehouse with the leftover wood. So yesterday after church he took the kids outside and they worked on their project.  The kids were thrilled to get to help.

But they were even more thrilled to move into their "new home".  This was the coolest thing in the world to them.  Their imagination went crazy!

And the time they got to spend with their daddy building it was priceless.

The Last Soccer Game

It was the last day of soccer for number 6 and number 79 for the orange team.  Number 6 was very sad, but number 79 was ready to be done. I had some video of this game, but somehow the file got corrupted and won't playback on the camera or download to the computer.  But here's what happened. Luke and Addy were both playing and Luke was standing in the goal.  There is no goalie for this age, but he liked to stand in the goal.  The other team dribbled the ball down the field and kicked it toward Luke in the goal.  We were very excited that he was going to get to kick the ball!  As the ball very slowly rolled closer to him we yelled, "kick it, kick it!"  But, he watched it SLOWLY roll over his toes and into the goal.   A little later while everyone else was chasing after the ball Luke was standing behind the goal messing with the net.  We took him out and asked him what he was doing and he said, "I was taking the net apart so we wouldn't lose." 
I am glad Luke played this year because he helped us to remember that sports don't matter.  I want my kids to be good players and try their hardest, but I don't want sports to be an idol and the biggest part of their life.  Addy played the complete opposite of Luke.  She got after it and was VERY aggressive.  She even used her arms to keep other players away and protect the ball.  I'm not sure if what she was doing was legal.  She never wanted to come out of the game and showed that she is as competitive as her mom.  She was so sad that it was their last game and she can't wait for next season.

This season Luke learned to finish what you start.  He didn't enjoy playing, but at the beginning of the season he told me he wanted to play, so we didn't let him quit.  Sometimes you have to do things you don't enjoy.  If he doesn't want to play again we're not going to force him, but if he starts something he needs to finish it. 

Addy learned that the most important thing is to try her hardest and have fun.  Her team got stomped pretty good a few times.  They didn't keep score, but she knew the other team was scoring way more than them.  She wanted to be discouraged a couple of times, sometimes all the other players were bigger than her.  She took a couple of hard falls, but she got back up and kept playing. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

I had a wonderful Mother's Day this year. Scott helped the kids hit all of the love languages. He has started a tradition of recording them every year telling me what they like about me. (Words of affirmation) They also gave me big hugs and kisses (physical touch). And they made me pictures, cards, and hats (gifts). They let me go have time to myself in the afternoon and read a book at the park in peace and quiet (I count as a gift too). And while I was gone they did a few chores around the house (acts of service). We picked up some sandwiches for dinner and ate them at a park. Then the kids ran races and we all laughed and had some fun family time together (quality time). So I would say they hit all the love languages plus some extra credit for letting me have time to relax by myself! My husband and kiddos are the best!

Nana's visit

 Nana came to visit last week!  We had so much fun with her.  She read lots of books to the kids and since the weather was so gorgeous we spent most of the time outside.
Brooke discovered slides and wanted to constantly slide down.  She was all squeals and giggles. Brooke is usually a mama's girl, but she warmed up to Nana pretty fast!  It was a fun 2 days.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Addison is LOVING playing soccer.  She really gets into it.  She has even scored some goals!  I finally got one on video.  She is on the orange team.  She got a quick breakaway and I turned the camera on just in time!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Another milestone for Addy

Addy asked me to take the training wheels off her bike.  I don't know why she got the idea all of a sudden, but I figured it was a good time to let her have a try.  She was very determined.  She practiced balancing while pushing off with her feet.  When she got good at that I told her to just start pedaling when she was ready.  That's what she did!  She was so excited!  I was surprised she learned so fast.  She hasn't had her first wreck yet, but I've warned her it will probably happen.  Today she informed me that she did have a little wreck, but it wasn't a "bloody wreck."

 The butterflies have been out.  The kids had a fun time catching them and putting them in the "bug cage"  Even Brooke got a kick out of it. Poor butterflies.
 Brooke is figuring out how to dress herself already.  She took her shirt off...
And tried to put another shirt on!